All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 in total

We’re all responsible for content accessibility with Kenzie Woodbridge

In this episode, I’m talking with Kenzie Woodbridge, a documentarian and self-taught accessibility advocate. We talk about how feeling “not expert enough” is no reason...

Kate sounds off on docs hierarchy of needs and how we talk to ourselves

In this solo episode, Kate shares an update on working with content types, muses about the idea of a Documentation Hierarchy of Needs, and reflects more on Janine Chan...

Bridging the gap from “not technical enough” to “technical” with Janine Chan

In this episode, I’m talking with Janine Chan, a technical writer and Write the Docs community moderator. We talk about how feeling “not technical enough” is as much a...

Kate sounds off on content types

My current in-flight projects include updating nearly all of our documentation to reflect major changes to our user interface, which includes changes to screenshots, n...

Developer collaboration with Lorna Mitchell

In this episode, I’m talking with Lorna Mitchell, a technology leader, published author, tech blogger, and developer experience expert who is passionate about APIs and...

Introducing The Not-Boring Tech Writer Reboot

Meet our new host Kate Mueller and get the inside scoop on how The Not-Boring Tech Writer (TNBTW) will work moving forward.Kate Mueller is the Documentation Goddess of...

Tech Writer Advocacy and Managing Write the Docs with Swapnil Ogale

In this episode I’m talking to Swapnil Ogale, a Technical Writer Advocate for Redocly based in Melbourne, Australia, who is also a Community and Conference Manager for...

Documentarians for Diplomacy: Bringing the Mirth with Kat Stoica Ostenfeld

We’re back after a short and unexpected break! Sorry to keep you waiting!This episode you’ll hear Kat Stoica Ostenfeld, an accomplished tech writer living in Copenhage...

Marrying skillsets and existential googling with Caity Cronkhite

In this episode, I’m excited to be speaking to Caity Cronkhite, Seattle-based founder and CEO of Good Words LLC. We talk about her experience of starting up as a tech ...

How to Infiltrate a Hackathon in Iowa with Philip Kiely

In such a complex and fast-moving industry as tech writing, it can be interesting to see how burgeoning tech writers get started - and become successful. Enter Philip ...

A Fond Farewell (Yet Warm Welcome!)

After four exciting years hosting The Not-Boring Tech Writer—the podcast that gives listeners the skills to break the stereotype that technical writing is a boring car...

Skill #36: Creating Usability Tests for Your Organization

Technical writers must ensure their help resources, such as documentation and video tutorials, are useful for their users. Therefore, they study language, design, and ...

Skill #35: Understanding Basic Design Principles

Technical communicators wield the power of plain language to ensure their readers find and understand the information they need to complete a task—no matter how comple...

Skill #34: Crowdsourcing Technical Communication

Folk working in technical communication—whether they’re academics or practitioners—through their own unique skill sets, perspectives, and experiences, often discover b...

Skill #33: Getting Started with Open Data

For the civically-mind technical writer, there’s a growing movement in cities across the world where technical writers can use their skills to better their community. ...

Skill #32: Understanding Translation and Localization

As products and services reach markets outside of their geographic origins, organizations must consider how to translate and localize their existing documentation. It’...

Skill #31: Choosing the Right Knowledge Base Software for Your Organization

No matter your industry—tech, nonprofit, marketing—your organization likely needs a knowledge base software, a dedicated place to capture essential knowledge.However, ...

Skill #30: Landing a Tech Writing Internship

As prospective tech writers look for ways to get into the tech writing field, many pursue internships. And understandably so: internships give prospective tech writers...

Skill #29: Understanding Your Reader (as a Whole)

One of the most important skills tech writers can have is the ability to analyze their audience—researching who’s using the product their documentation, understanding ...

Skill #28: Researching as a Tech Writer

All of the help resources tech writers create, such software documentation, video tutorials, or blog posts, require research. Imagine creating a document to explain a ...

Skill #27: Contributing to GitHub

As tech writers consider how to stay relevant in the field, many look to GitHub—the git repository service where people host their open-source projects, allowing other...

Skill #26: Getting Started in API Documentation

As tech writers consider how to stay relevant in the field, many consider getting started in API documentation. And who can blame them—it’s one of the most trending an...

Skill #25: Nudging Users to Action Through Contextual Help

As technical writers, we help users learn processes or complete particular tasks. And we offer this help in several ways, including documentation, video tutorials, or ...

Skill #24: Finding Your Content DNA

John Espirian—technical copywriter and author of the soon-to-be-released book Content DNA—describes content DNA as the "shape" of your brand and then using the power o...

Skill #23: Transitioning into Tech Writing from Very-Much-Not Tech Writing

Think back to the early years of your career as you considered pursuing a career in technical writing. Unless you happened to pursue a formal education in technical wr...

Skill #22: Using Your Detective Skills as a Technical Writer

As technical writers, we often wear many different hats within an organization: we write documentation that teaches people how to use a product; we test new features t...

Skill #21: Mentoring Prospective Tech Writers

All technical writers can look back on their career and likely think of a specific person or two who helped them advance their career. It could be a former professor w...

Skill #20: Understanding Content Marketing

As technical writers, we excel at turning technical information into documentation that helps users understand complex concepts. We write software documentation that h...

Skill #19: Writing for Nonprofit Organizations

Throughout technical writers’ careers, they may find themselves working in several different industries: they could start their career writing end-user documentation f...

Skill #18: Embracing the Long Game of Technical Writing

Anyone who’s been in technical writing for a few years or has attended a technical writing conference has witnessed how quickly the field has evolved. Technical writer...

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